8 research outputs found

    Deep Signal Recovery with One-Bit Quantization

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    Machine learning, and more specifically deep learning, have shown remarkable performance in sensing, communications, and inference. In this paper, we consider the application of the deep unfolding technique in the problem of signal reconstruction from its one-bit noisy measurements. Namely, we propose a model-based machine learning method and unfold the iterations of an inference optimization algorithm into the layers of a deep neural network for one-bit signal recovery. The resulting network, which we refer to as DeepRec, can efficiently handle the recovery of high-dimensional signals from acquired one-bit noisy measurements. The proposed method results in an improvement in accuracy and computational efficiency with respect to the original framework as shown through numerical analysis.Comment: This paper has been submitted to the 44th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2019

    Polar Coding for Forward Error Correction in Space Communications

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    Presentation for Polar Coding for Forward Error Correction in Space Communications paper for IA

    Polar Coding For Forward Error Correction In Space Communications With LDPC Comparisons

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    With the surging development of optical telecommunicationsfor space applications, the importance of errorcorrection has become more apparent than ever. Specifically,the exploration of forward error correction code (FEC) methodologieswill be instrumental in developing the standards foroptical communications in space. Despite the widespread useof low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes, alternate FEC codessuch as polar codes have shown immense promise in assistingspace communications error correction with their ability tobypass the error floors that plague LDPC codes. Extremelypromising techniques including cyclic redundancy checks (CRC),successive cancellation (SC), and successive cancellation lists(SCL) that assist polar coding in achieving the Shannon limitin a timely manner are evaluated. MATLAB simulations areconducted with AWGN and burst noise to test each technique'sability to handle noise typically encountered in space and eachtechnique's ability to correct unexpected errors. Results ofsimulations for different rates and message lengths are alsoreported to determine each technique's ability to handle largedata volumes and fix errors. Similar simulations are conductedfor LDPC codes with additional tests for convolutional and nointerleavers. Finally, a discussion regarding the future ability ofpolar codes to satisfy current missions in the place of, or inconjunction with, LDPC codes along with the merits of eachFEC technique's ability to process data efficiently and handledata while maintaining adequate performance will be provided.Preliminary recommendations will be made for each technique'seffectiveness for GEO related missions along with discussionsregarding each technique's ability to fit within the CCSDS standards for optical communications

    Quantum Compressive Sensing: Mathematical Machinery, Quantum Algorithms, and Quantum Circuitry

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    Compressive sensing is a sensing protocol that facilitates the reconstruction of large signals from relatively few measurements by exploiting known structures of signals of interest, typically manifested as signal sparsity. Compressive sensing’s vast repertoire of applications in areas such as communications and image reconstruction stems from the traditional approach of utilizing non-linear optimization to exploit the sparsity assumption by selecting the lowest-weight (i.e., maximum sparsity) signal consistent with all acquired measurements. Recent efforts in the literature consider instead a data-driven approach, training tensor networks to learn the structure of signals of interest. The trained tensor network is updated to “project” its state onto one consistent with the measurements taken, and is then sampled site by site to “guess” the original signal. In this paper, we take advantage of this computing protocol by formulating an alternative “quantum” protocol, in which the state of the tensor network is a quantum state over a set of entangled qubits. Accordingly, we present the associated algorithms and quantum circuits required to implement the training, projection, and sampling steps on a quantum computer. We supplement our theoretical results by simulating the proposed circuits with a small, qualitative model of LIDAR imaging of earth forests. Our results indicate that a quantum, data-driven approach to compressive sensing may have significant promise as quantum technology continues to make new leaps

    Quantum Compressive Sensing: Mathematical Machinery, Quantum Algorithms, and Quantum Circuitry

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    Compressive sensing is a sensing protocol that facilitates the reconstruction of large signals from relatively few measurements by exploiting known structures of signals of interest, typically manifested as signal sparsity. Compressive sensing’s vast repertoire of applications in areas such as communications and image reconstruction stems from the traditional approach of utilizing non-linear optimization to exploit the sparsity assumption by selecting the lowest-weight (i.e., maximum sparsity) signal consistent with all acquired measurements. Recent efforts in the literature consider instead a data-driven approach, training tensor networks to learn the structure of signals of interest. The trained tensor network is updated to “project” its state onto one consistent with the measurements taken, and is then sampled site by site to “guess” the original signal. In this paper, we take advantage of this computing protocol by formulating an alternative “quantum” protocol, in which the state of the tensor network is a quantum state over a set of entangled qubits. Accordingly, we present the associated algorithms and quantum circuits required to implement the training, projection, and sampling steps on a quantum computer. We supplement our theoretical results by simulating the proposed circuits with a small, qualitative model of LIDAR imaging of earth forests. Our results indicate that a quantum, data-driven approach to compressive sensing may have significant promise as quantum technology continues to make new leaps